Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 1, 2014

Four months till I turn 40.  I am determined to be in the best shape of my life by then. Starting my fifth week juicing.  I started adding in grilled chicken for dinner because the protein from my romaine lettuce just wasn't cutting it.  I am grateful for the extra energy and that the pounds are falling off.  I am starting to look like myself again.  Woohoo!!!!! Thank you sweet friends, family and fellow "rebooters" for your support.  I have included pictures again of my progress.

God continues to wow me everyday. I am so very grateful that the kids can see the things we pray about at night coming to fruition. I am learning to trust Him in a new way.

Isaiah 43:19
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Day 5 of Juicing.  I can NOT believe I made it this far.  By the grace and strength of God 100%!!!
Here is me on day 5. Down 5lbs so far.
Got to wear a pair of jeans from 2 years ago
Face slightly thinner

So excited to try a pair of jeans in the back of the closet today that actually fit.  I have a ways to go but I am happy that I can see some progress already. Bought a new juicer today because I am giving mine back to my friend. Hoping that helps the cleaning process a bit. :-/

What is left after juicing a MEAN GREEN

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Juicing Day 2: Well today was a little less fun.  I guess my body is going through detox.  I am anxious to find some recipes I like because it feels like I keep face planting into a garden every few hours and someone is forcing me to eat grass.  Happy I made it through two days.  One meal at a time they say.
Lost one pound over night.  Really hoping for more progress here soon.   Here is today's "yummy" treat.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Juicing day 1

Day one of juicing has been quite an adventure.  I have juiced twice today so far and then my sink/clog/disposal broke.  Not cool. I am going to press through though. I am posting pictures of my before so I can one day compare it with my amazing after!

Next juice hopefully will be my own version of a V8.  Pray for my self discipline and strength.  I believe I can do this and stay in my budget. I am expecting great things to come out of this.

Here is my list of overall goals.
1  .Lose weight.  Goal 120
2.  Get healthy - that my auto immune issues will fade away.
3.  Be an example to my kids
4.  Have extra energy
5.  Beings smaller and healthier hopefully will lead to me being able to do more with my kids.

Drove my kids through Chick Fil A today.  That was tempting! I persevered though. My goal specifically for today is to make it through today on just the fruit/veggie fast.